Review Team Dashboard

Step 1:


Download the Advanced Copy of the Book to your E-Reader.

Step 2:


Completely Read the assigned book.

Step 3:


Post your Review to all the review location. You Rock!

Step 4:


Notify me you are done, and Move on to the next book


  • Have fun and enjoy reading!
  • Follow the 4 step process for each book I send you by the deadline set in the email I sent you. (Generally 2 weeks)
  • Post your review to both Amazon and GoodReads. (Links are provided in step 3)
  • If you have already read one of my books, you can re-read the book or start on step 3 and finish the process.
  • Once you have finished the 4 step process send me an email to get the next book (


  • Please do not share email communications, links, advanced copies of books, or anything I share with you with anyone else. I am trusting you all to keep this confidential. What happens in Vegas says in Vegas. That being said if you know of someone who wants to join the team then they can message me and sign up.
  • To be a part of the Crew you need to complete the review and launch process activities. After all a captain cannot sail her ship without her crew all doing their part. Don’t worry we make the work easy to do and understand. No training or flogging required.